Sunday, August 29, 2010

Second grade send-off

The time came last week for all of us to go back to school{work}. Keller started week 2 at his new daycare, Kase started year 3 at his elementary school and mommy started year 10 at her high school. As sad as we were to see our summer come to an end, we are just as anxious and excited about what the next year holds for all of us. Keller got out of the house before I could take pictures of him and Kase was in a hurry to get to school so I had to be quick.

Quick as in 18 pictures instead of 48.

After our front door photo shoot, we were off to school to see our friends and a very special kindergartner.

Presley is finally at "big school" with Kase. It's something they've been talking about for a long time so it was an exciting day for all of us. Presley even has the same kindergarten teacher Kase had so she already knows all about Mrs. R. We all adored her and Kase still talks about her to this day.

I knew I couldn't stick around Morgan long b/c it was going to be an emotional time for her and I was really trying to keep myself pulled together...for a change. Kase and I walked on down to the 2nd grade hall where I watched as he opened up his locker and put his things inside. He didn't have a cubby in his classroom; he had a locker, a big kid locker. {Keep it together Stacy, you're doing good.} I walked him inside making sure he was settled and had everything he needed in his desk. There was an assignment on his desk so he went right to work on that.

I then gave my precious first born a hug and kiss, took one last picture and said good-bye w/out shedding a tear. His smile melted my heart and signaled to me that everything was going to be okay. He was excited and ready for 2nd grade, regardless of whether or not I was.

Kase-you are the apple of my eye and such a blessing to our family. We are so very proud of you and can't wait to see what 2nd grade has in store for you. I love you sweet, sweet boy!

1 comment:

The Howell's said...

Your boys are precious! :)