Thursday, October 7, 2010

Game 2~Eagles vs. Panthers

Game 2 didn't exactly turn out as well as game 1.

Not b/c we lost but b/c Keller wasn't the least bit interested in playing football. Tony's a coach and was on the field the entire game so I was having to constantly make trips to the sideline for behavior modification pep talks. I think he ended up playing a total of 6 minutes and the rest of the time was spent sitting under the umbrella listening and taking part in discussions about "nut-nuts, poop, pee, doo-doo, toots, tooted" and all the other disgusting things 5-7 year old boys talk about.

I sure wish someone would've warned me about this? Kase never talked about that stuff and still doesn't so this is a side of boys that's new to me...and I don't like's making me crazy! I try and try and try to correct it but it doesn't do any good. I'm failing as a parent. Please tell me this is a phase and he'll grow out of it...and soon!

We had pictures before the game and had to sit out in the sun and wait for our game to start so I'm hoping that was the reason for Keller's lack of effort on the football field. Anytime they put him in to play, I could hear him saying, "I wanna trade, I wanna trade, is it my turn to trade?"

Praying game 3 turns out better than game 2 b/c I've heard all the boy talk I can stand for awhile! Thinking I'll pack my "monster spray" and dish soap just in case I need it...

Boys, boys, boys...can't help but love 'em!

1 comment:

the rockwall hurtados said...

Oh my gosh!!! This was the funniest blog post I have read in a while! :)
I hate to laugh but it is soooo funny! I know what you mean though, I do get sick of hearing that "boy talk" too. He will grow out of it though. I don't believe Jared ever did that but Jake has surely talked his fair share of it. Good luck girl! They are only little once.