So what's new, other than I'm about 3 weeks behind on the blog? I'm telling ya, there just isn't enough time in the day to do all the things that need to be done. I'm not complaining, just saying...wife, mommy, daughter, sister, friend, educator, and all the other hats worn daily are getting kinda heavy. That sure did sound like complaining to me but I promise, I really do consider each a blessing. Sometimes I just need a break from reality! There, I'm done having a pity party for myself. Back to what's been going on in our little world. The boys Art Show was last week (or quite possibly, the week before) so we spent the evening admiring all the artwork posted around the school.
So proud of my little artists!
Talk about impressive...there are some really talented artists walking the halls of the school. Guess I should also add that they're being taught by the sweetest art teacher around. Keller told us early in the year that his art teacher was pretty and I think he's since developed a little crush on her. He gets so embarrassed when we talk about it and even hid behind me when she came over to talk to us at the art show. Such a flirt!
Mother's Day was last weekend and the boys made sure Mommy was well taken care of. I woke up to a display of handmade cards, a necklace Keller made for me at school and a very special letter written by Kase. My boys are such a gift to me and I will spend the rest of my life trying to figure out what on Earth I ever did to deserve the honor of being called "MOMMY".
It is absolutely the greatest feeling in the world to love...
and be loved by these precious little guys!
I love you K & K with all my heart!
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