Thursday, December 27, 2012

He found us...

Naughty, nice or a little bit of both...Santa found us again this year.  

Once again, Nick (our elf) did a great job delivering messages and making sure Santa knew exactly what was on their wish lists.  Kase revised his list at the last minute but luckily, Nick got it to the NP in time.

The drums were a big hit but after listening to the jam sessions the past two days, I'm not sure what Santa was thinking when he brought those. What I do know is that he forgot to leave earplugs and a bottle of ibuprofen in my stocking. Those will be a necessity if I'm expected to survive the next two weeks at home.  Or maybe I'll suggest they move the drums to the garage...that seems like a great place for a music studio.

Before long, I'm going to get run out of the house with all this stuff.  Legos, golf clubs, air hockey table, drums, putting green, baseball nets, Foosball table, indoor basketball goal and now they want to put Hot Wheels tracks on the freshly painted playroom walls.  Can I at least have a small space for my new vacuum?
Boys and their included!

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