Friday, September 23, 2011

Another big win...

Well, as you can tell, I didn't do much better this week in regards to pictures at the game. I did manage to take individual pictures of the boys for the website and a few other cute ones here and there but only three of my own child. I better get w/it b/c Keller wants to see pictures of himself to see if he looks like "Josh Hamilton" on the field. Dream big baby...reach for the stars!

The Texans are now 3-0 after winning 20-9 Tuesday night. Keller played outfield, 3rd base and catcher for an inning. He loved wearing all the gear but his favorite part was catching the ball and handing it to the umpire to sit on the's the little things that excite him the most. He also had a double and a triple. I'm pretty sure the triple would've been a homerun had his little legs not given out at 3rd base. He's still working on his speed...bless his sweet heart.

We're so proud of our little Texans and can't wait for Game 4. Let the winning streak continue...

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