Monday, December 26, 2011


Our Christmas break got off to a memorable start as we spent the first day "welcoming home a hero" with family,


and our very own special Army veteran, Papa.

It was truly the most rewarding experience I've ever been a part of and something the boys and I will remember for a lifetime. The troops were scheduled to arrive at 9:30 so we got to the airport and found our spot around 9:00.

At 9:30, this sweet Veteran told us that it would be 10:30 before they arrive.

10:30 rolled around and still no soldiers. Thank goodness for modern technology because I'm not sure we could've survived the 3 hour wait without it. Sad, I know.

The kids were getting hungry and pretty antsy so we reminded them where these men and women have been the past several years and the sacrifices they make daily and that it was well worth us waiting all day if we had to. Our conversations didn't have the effect we were hoping for but I will say the kids did really well for being stuck in an airport all morning long. Around 11:00, we saw the first soldier come through the double doors and for the next hour, we welcomed home 200+ soldiers.

The kids stuck their hands out and were so excited with every handshake, fist bump and hi-five received from the soldiers.

Talk about speechless, I was completely overcome with emotion as I watched wives reuniting with their husbands, parents picking up their son/daughter and dads meeting their children for the first time. Most of the soldiers were smiling and cheering, a few were crying and some had an overwhelming look on their face from the crowd of people there to welcome them home. I can't imagine their emotions as the plane touched down on American soil but it was such an honor for us to be there and to personally thank them for sacrificing their lives for us, the American people.

After an experience like that, proud to be an American has a more personal meaning to me than it ever has before. Thank you Ashley for coordinating the day and inviting us to go. It was wonderful!

1 comment:

Psalm112 said...

Amazing & beautiful! The tears are flowing! What precious lessons you are teaching your kiddos!!! Way to go!!