Sunday, April 8, 2012

Kindergarten egg hunt

Keller's sweet little kindergarten class had their Easter egg hunt last Thursday afternoon and I'm so glad I took off to go because it's our very last more school Easter egg hunts. It kinda makes me sad but I guess it's all part of growing up and becoming big kids. Speaking of big kids, it hit me that afternoon that I will soon have boys in the 1st and 4th grade. My gosh, before long, I'll have a middle school student...and then high school. I don't like this whole growing up thing.

Each kid brought 12 numbered eggs so they had to find numbers 1-12 to put in their basket. On your mark, get set, go!

A few minutes after the kids took off, I noticed Keller was passing up eggs but didn't have any in his basket. I walked over to where he was to help and ask what was taking so long to find an egg.

His reply, "I'm trying to find the baseball ones." Good grief...the boy is obsessed and it drives me crazyyyyy but I sure love him to pieces!

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