Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Colby

A couple weeks ago, the boys celebrated a special friends birthday at the Rangers Ballpark.

 Talk about a fun place to have a party!  I'm fairly certain the adults enjoyed it just as much as the kids.  Tony, Kase and I loved the tour, hearing about the history of the ballpark and getting to see all the behind the scenes stuff.

My favorite part of the tour was the white board in the picture below.  It was hanging on the wall in the hitting cages and Josh Hamilton wrote a bible verse and short quote on it each day during the season.  Love, love, love it...wish we had one in grocery stores, shopping malls and our public school classrooms.

Keller enjoyed the tour but was dying to get on the field so he could pretend to be Josh Hamilton.  He caught balls off the wall, made throws to his cut off man, slid into 3rd and dove to catch some hard hit balls; all using his imagination.  In his words, it was the best day of his life!

Little did we know at the time, that Josh wouldn't be wearing a Rangers jersey and playing in that spot next season.  We knew it was a possibility so Tony prepared Keller for it but it was still a sad day at our house when it happened.  There were tears involved and still are from time to time.   Keller will forever love #32 and has already asked for an Angels shirt so he can continue to support his favorite player...loyal little fella.  

It was definitely a party we won't forget and Keller is now in countdown mode at our house.  51 days until spring training!  See you again soon Rangers ballpark.

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