Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Home Run Hitter

This past Saturday, our little slugger not only played his best game of the season but also hit his first home run. It was an extremely proud moment for all of us.

Here he is warming up for that perfect hit!

Papa and Grammar were out of town but Aunt Bubba and Mawmaw were there to see it. I was one crazy momma standing at the fence hollering for him to run home...very similar to the last game when Tony held him up at 3rd. Tony promised me that wouldn't happen again and he held true to his word. Keller rounded third and Tony motioned for him to go on home. Talk about one proud kiddo. He came off the field and into the stands so everyone could give him high fives and knuckles. Way to go #19...you've been waiting on that all season.

Aside from the home run, he also had a triple and got 9 batters out playing pitcher and 3rd base. He was focused and determined to do his part in securing another victory.

The Wreckin' Crew won in dominating fashion and w/three games left, they are in position to win 1st place. Way to go Wreckin' Crew....you guys are becoming quite the little ball players.

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