Wednesday, June 15, 2011

VBS 2011

The boys and I spent this past week w/our friends at VBS 2011-Pandamania!

It's something we've been doing together for the past 3 years and is always a highlight of our summer. Keller was a little bit disappointed that he still couldn't be w/the "big" kids this year but ended up having a wonderful time...just as he always does. He'll be old enough next year so he's already informed me that he wants to be in the "Blue Thunder" group b/c blue is his favorite color. Thank you Keller, I'll make note of that.

Kase was in the "Hello Yellow" group w/Presley and several of his school friends.

Our sweet friend, Ashley, was their crew leader. She's much more brave than I am to take on 14 kids.

Morg and I volunteered in snacks and had a great time getting to know some of the other volunteers and the kiddos who passed through each day. There were over 2200 kids and of those, 300 were saved. Isn't that just the most awesome thing? I think so. They also had a change drive and the kids raised over $15,000 for children who need glasses in the Rio Grande Valley. Talk about amazing! I feel blessed to have been a part of something that impacts so many lives. Walking into the auditorium each morning and seeing all of those kids so excited to learn about God's word gave me goose bumps. It was truly a moving week for all of us. We give all the glory to you God.

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