Monday, August 29, 2011

First day...7 days late.

So what? The 1st day of school post is a week late. Surely you aren't surprised! When am I ever on top of things in blog world? At least it's done and now we can focus on the rest of the school year b/c I can already tell it's going to be a busy one. Our first day of school routine was very similar to the last 3 years but double the fun b/c we had not one, but two precious little boys to drop off. They were both up at the crack of dawn raring to go. They hurried through breakfast, brushed teeth, got dressed and played a game of golf on the Wii before it was time to head out front for our traditional 1st day of school photoshoot.

Kase is all too familiar w/it so I don't even have to tell him what to do...he just knows.

Keller was a little challenging b/c he cares nothing about having his picture taken. He'd much rather play in the dirt, run up and down the sidewalk, pick his nose, and take a picture w/his baseball stone.

You know all the really important things that have nothing to do w/the first day of school.

After taking what seemed like 324 pictures, I decided to call it a session. They were sick of smiling and quite honestly, we were all a little sweaty. Grammar arrived so we hopped in the car and what do you know....the crazy thing wouldn't start. Surely this wasn't any indication of how my week would go. Keller saw it as the perfect opportunity to walk to school however, Tony was home so I survived having to change out of heels and into my tennis shoes. Larry, Morgan and Presley met us at school so we took a few more pictures

and then parted ways for the day.

Keller was anxious to get to class and once again, big brother wanted to be a part of his big day so he didn't mind waiting his turn. We approached the door and with tear filled eyes, I watched our youngest son confidently walk into his kindergarten classroom, carefully select his cubby (19 for his t-ball number), unpack his things and take a seat next to his new classmates and friends.

The moment he'd been waiting for had arrived. He was finally at school w/his big brother. I gave him a kiss, waved good bye and hurried out the door so he wouldn't see the tears streaming down my face. By the time we made it to the 3rd grade hall, I was asking myself why I even bothered wearing make-up. I was able to get it together long enough to watch Kase put his things in his locker

but by the time he sat down at his desk, the tears were back.

He looked so grown up! We took turns telling him good-bye, gave him one last kiss and walked out the door. Our precious firstborn son was sitting in a 3rd grade classroom and his little brother was right down the hall. Talk about a bittersweet moment...yep, I lost it!

Thanks to my wonderful mom, the car has a brand, spanking new battery. Keller absolutely loves kindergarten and made it through the first week w/out having to change his color. Kase is thrilled about having his own textbooks and keeping a JAM journal and the best part of the week, we were fully dressed and out the door on time every single day. Now that, my friends, is something to get excited about. Thank you Lord for a perfect start to a new school year!

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